Board of Directors and Corporate Executive Team
Board of Directors
Tapio Korpeinen, Chairman Chief Financial Officer, UPM-Kymmene Corporation and Executive Vice President, UPM Energy Born 1963, M.Sc. (Tech.), MBA Chairman of the board of Finnish Forest Industries Board member of Teollisuuden Voima Oyj Supervisory Board member of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company Personal substitute: Juha Mäkelä, General Counsel, UPM Born 1962, LL.M | |
Pasi Kyckling Temporary CFO, Stora Enso Oyj Born 1978, M.Sc. (Econ.) Personal substitute: Kaarlo Höysniemi, Stora Enso Oyj | |
Anders Renvall Managing Director, Kymppivoima Oy Born 1973, M.Sc. (Eng.) Chairman of the Board of Kosalankankaan Tuulivoimapuisto Oy, Voimapiha Oy, Voimapiha Ab, PVO-Lämpövoima Oy Member of the Board of Teollisuuden Voima Oyj, EPV Energia Oy, Vattenfall Indalsälven Ab Personal substitute: Tuure Aho, CEO, Pohjois-Karjalan Sähkö Oy Born 1975 | |
Jukka Hakkila Group General Counsel, Kemira Oyj, Deputy to the CEO Born 1960, LL.M. Personal substitute: Seppo Tuomisto, Manager, Energy Business Support and Development, Kemira Oyj Born 1962, M.Sc. (Eng.) | |
Maija Ruuska Director, Finance & Control and Strategy, UPM Energy Oy Born 1977, M.Sc. (Eng.) Member of the Board of several UPM-Kymmene Group companies Personal substitute: Pekka Tynkkynen, Director, Optimization & Physical Trading, UPM Energy Oy | |
Esa Kaikkonen CEO, Metsä Tissue Corporation Born 1969, LL.M, trained on the bench Chairman of the Board of Metsä Greaseproof Papers Oy Member of the Board of Metsä Fibre Oy, Metsä Spring Oy, Teollisuuden Voima Oyj, Pohjolan Voima Oyj and Finnish Forest Industries Federation Personal substitute: Ilkka Hämälä, President and CEO, Metsä Group Born 1961, M.Sc. (Eng.) | |
Rami Vuola President & CEO, EPV Energia Oy (EPV) Born 1968, M.Sc. (Eng.) Chairman of the Board of several EPV Group companies Member of the Board: Teollisuuden Voima Oyj and Voimapiha Oy Personal substitute: Stefan Damlin, CEO, Vaasan Sähkö Oy Born 1968, M.Sc. (Econ.) | |
Heikki Liukas Sijoitusjohtaja, Yara Suomen Eläkesäätiö Born 1958, M.Sc. (Eng.), M.Sc. (Econ.) Personal substitute: Jussi Lehto, Suomen Voima: Keravan Energia | |
Kirsi Hautala CEO, Kokkolan Energia Oy, Kokkolan Energiaverkot Oy, Kokkolan Voima Oy Born 1968, M.Sc. (Eng.), D.Sc (Technology) Member of the Board: Hilla Group Oyj Personal substitute: Roger Holm, CEO, Katternö group Born 1967 |
Corporate Executive Team
Ilkka Tykkyläinen President and CEO, Pohjolan Voima Oyj Born 1966, M.Sc. (Eng.), TKK, eMBA With the Group since 2018 Deputy Chairman of the Board of Teollisuuden Voima Oyj and Chairman of the Board of several Group companies | |
Minna Laakso CFO, Finance, Risk Management Born 1967, M.Sc. (Business and Economics) With the Group since 2013 Member/Chairman of the Board of Posiva Oy and several Group companies | |
Riitta Larnimaa Communications, Public Affairs and Responsible Corporate Operations Born 1963, M.Sc. With the Group since 2011 Member of the Board of PVO-Vesivoima Oy Member of the Electricity Production Committee of the Finnish Energy Industries | |
Tiina Nyström Human Resources and Legal Affairs Born 1966; LL.M, eMBA With the Group since 2011 Member of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Confederation of Finnish Industries | |
Jani Pulli Balancing Power and Energy Management, Hydropower Born 1975, B.Sc. (Eng.) With the Group since 1999–2018 and 2019– President, PVO-Vesivoima Oy | |
Kaj Råtts Production Asset Management Born 1982, M.Sc. (Eng.) With the Group since 2019 | |
Jarmo Tervo Technology and Projects Born 1962, M.Sc. (Eng.) With the Group since 2007 | |
Marja Kokkonen, Administration Specialist email: marja.kokkonen (at) mobile +358 40 840 6544 |