Our strategy: Pohjolan Voima – Decisive Power

We create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow.

Pohjolan Voima is a long-lived Finnish energy company. We are one of Finland’s largest energy producers – our production accounts for approximately 20% of the nation’s total electricity production. The electricity we produce is almost completely carbon neutral.

We produce electricity and heat at cost price for the needs of our owners – Finnish industrial and energy companies – with reliable and adjustable hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power that ensures security of supply. 

We are a team of top professionals and are proven as one of Finland’s most inspiring workplaces. At Pohjolan Voima, we pride ourselves on doing meaningful work in line with our values of skilfully, reliably, together. We are committed to carbon neutrality and improving biodiversity. Our objective is to create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow.

Our strategy 2022–2027

Three themes guide our operations:

Sustainable production on market terms

We make choices with the aim of promoting competitiveness, wellbeing and biodiversity, and curbing climate change. The electricity we produce is almost completely carbon neutral. Our target is for 99% of our electricity production and 85% of our heat production to be carbon neutral by 2025. Our long-term vision for the promotion of biodiversity is identifying our key effects on biodiversity, moving towards net positivity, and improving our skill set and updating our targets as we learn more.

Competitive advantage by balancing power capability and timeliness

In future, fluctuations in electricity production will be even faster and greater than now. Balancing power and timely production will become even more important. The increasing share of wind and solar power production, the volume of which fluctuate depending on weather conditions, will further speed up this development. We develop the balancing capacity of our production and our capability of utilising it. We use market information and knowledge in the development.

Top expert in asset management

We have large assets in our hands, and we care for them in the best possible way. We perform effective maintenance measures, carry out timely investments and develop lifecycle management. We use technology, digitisation and knowledge-based management in our operations. We manage our operations through the skills of our expert organisation and networks.

Values guide our operations

Our values which we have defined together with our personnel are:

Skilfully − Reliably − Together

Our values guide all our operations.