6.5.2021 News Power plant news Press releases Porin Prosessivoima is to abandon peat by the end of 2023 Porin Prosessivoima’s power plant in Kaanaa will stop burning peat and coal within the next two years. For the people living in Pori, this means more environmentally friendly district heat. Peat will be replaced by local wood fuel…
29.4.2021 News Power plant news Jari Grönvall appointed as Managing Director of PVO-Lämpövoima Oy Power plant specialist Jari Grönvall has been appointed as the Managing Director of PVO-Lämpövoima Oy as of 1 June 2021. The present Managing Director Petri Hurri will retire in August 2021.
27.4.2021 News Press releases Pohjolan Voima is planning a battery hybrid solution that ranks as one of the largest in Europe The Finnish energy group Pohjolan Voima Oyj has started the planning of a battery solution that would advance the storage of energy. The 35 MW battery solution is intended to secure the operation of the electrical power system and i…
19.4.2021 News Power plant news Press releases Pohjolan Voima tests replacements for fossil fuels in Rauma The Pohjolan Voima energy company is further expanding the use of bio-based fuels. This spring, sunflower seed shell pellets and bio-based lignin separated from wood will be tested at the Rauman Biovoima power plant. Pohjolan Voimaâ…
7.4.2021 News Power plant news A part of Laanilan Voima personnel will transfer to Oulun Energia The operational business of Laanilan Voima Oy, a subsidiary of Pohjolan Voima, has shut down at the end of March. The operational business of Laanilan Voima terminated as a result the restructuring of the energy functions that are b…
31.3.2021 News Press releases Pohjolan Voima’s objectives for carbon neutrality is for 99% of its electricity production and 85 % of heat production to be carbon neutral 96% of Pohjolan Voima’s electricity production is already CO2 neutral, and the responsibility goals set for 2020 were even exceeded. Pohjolan Voima has now set ambitious objectives: it wants electricity production to be 99% carb…
25.3.2021 News The Board of Directors of Pohjolan Voima Oyj According to a unanimous decision of the shareholders of Pohjolan Voima Oyj on 25 March 2021, the following members were appointed to the Board of Directors: Tapio Korpeinen, UPM-Kymmene Corporation, personal substitute Jussi Pesone…
23.3.2021 News Power plant news Overhaul of the Jumisko hydropower plant has begun The overhaul of PVO-Vesivoima’s Jumisko hydropower plant in Kemijärvi has begun. The overhaul will improve the power plant’s capacity to produce regulating energy that will provide an important balance to the national power sup…
23.2.2021 News Power plant news PVO-Vesivoima’s new central control system enhances the operation of hydropower plants PVO-Vesivoima’s hydropower plants on the Iijoki, Kemijoki and Kokemäenjoki rivers will introduce a new central control system in March. The selected system is Valmet DNA, and the supplier is Valmet. The system will provide PVO-V…
20.1.2021 News Power plant news Press releases PVO-Vesivoima and Caverion continue their long-term partnership in the operation and maintenance of hydropower plants Pohjolan Voima’s subsidiary PVO-Vesivoima Oy and Caverion have signed a follow-up agreement concerning operation and maintenance for the Kokemäenjoki, Iijoki and Kemijoki hydropower plants in Finland. The agreement will ensur…