1.10.2020 News Power plant news Press releases Finland’s tallest smokestack to be demolished in Kristiinankaupunki The tallest smokestack in Finland, located in the power plant area of PVO-Lämpövoima Oy in Kristiinankaupunki, will be demolished on Thursday, 1 October 2020. Closed in 2015, the power plant was Pohjolan Voima’s last solely elec…
1.9.2020 News Press releases Jani Pulli returns home to Oulu to start work as managing director of PVO-Vesivoima Oy Jani Pulli, a longstanding hydropower expert and engineer, will be leading PVO-Vesivoima Oy as of 1 September. Pulli, who started work at the Pohjolan Voima Group as head of operations more than twenty years ago, is a well-known&nbs…
8.6.2020 News Power plant news Press releases A decade of Kaukaan Voima biopower plant operations plays a pivotal role in Lappeenranta achieving its emission goals During its ten years of operation, Kaukaan Voima’s bio energy-fuelled combined heat and electricity power plant has cut the district heating emissions in Lappeenranta in half. The power plant produces carbon dioxide-neutral proces…
2.6.2020 News Power plant news Press releases Demolition of Pohjolan Voima’s power plant in Kristiinankaupunki begins Pohjolan Voima will commence the demolition of the coal- and oil-fired power plants in Kristiinankaupunki as of the second week of June. Pohjolan Voima aims to progress towards carbon neutrality on market terms. Pohjan Voima̵…
7.4.2020 News Press releases Jani Pulli appointed as Managing Director of PVO-Vesivoima Oy as of 1 September 2020 Jani Pulli has been appointed as the Managing Director of PVO-Vesivoima Oy. Mr Pulli will take over this position from Pertti Pietinen, who will retire as planned. Mr Pulli will start in his new position on 1 September 2020. He will…
26.2.2020 News Press releases Pohjolan Voima’s Corporate Executive Team has been renewed Pohjola Voima started its new strategy period at the beginning of 2020. Our goal is to create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow. The key themes of the strategy are; on market terms towa…
25.2.2020 News Press releases Best results achieved by cooperation in the restoration of migratory fish A pioneering collaboration is currently underway to help the Iijoki river’s migratory fish. PVO-Vesivoima has made a commitment to the collaboration, aimed at promoting the restoration of the migratory fish’s natural cycle. T…