Pohjolan Voima will commence the demolition of the coal- and oil-fired power plants in Kristiinankaupunki as of the second week of June. Pohjolan Voima aims to progress towards carbon neutrality on market terms.
Pohjan Voima’s subsidiary PVO-Lämpövoima Oy has previously demolished another coal-fired power plant in Tahkoluoto, Pori. The company ceased market-based production operation of the power plants due to unprofitability in June 2015. The final decision to demolish the power plants was influenced by the company’s commitment to increasing carbon-neutral production.
“Pohjolan Voima’s electricity production was already 94 per cent carbon-neutral last year. This year our goal is to raise the share of carbon-neutral electricity production above 95 per cent, says Petri Hurri, Managing Director of PVO-Lämpövoima.
With the demolition of the power plants in Kristiinankaupunki and Tahkoluoto, Pori, a total of 687 megawatts of condensing power capacity is removed. The combined capacity of the Kristiinankaupunki power plant is 454 MW, and the capacity of the Tahkoluoto plant in Pori is 235 MW.
Demolition materials will be recycled
The demolition works at the Kristiinankaupunki power plant are planned to be completed in the summer of 2021. Dangerous materials have been removed before the start of the actual demolition work. Nearly all of the demolition waste can be recycled for futher usage. The power plant itself will be demolished to ground level,
Preparations for the final demolition of the power plants in Kristiinankaupunki and Tahkoluoto, Pori, began in 2017. The final decision to demolish the plants was made in February 2019. The actual demolition work at the Tahkoluoto power plant in Pori started in the spring of 2019. The demolition of Tahkoluoto power plant will be completed in the summer of 2020.
The Kristiinankaupunki power plant was completed in 1974, a coal-fired boiler in 1983 and a second turbine in 1989. A desulphurization plant was merged with the coal-fired power plant in 1993, and new burners were installed in 1994 to reduce the sulphur emissions. In 2007, the power plant’s combustion technology was changed to further reduce the nitrogen oxide emissions.
Further information:
Petri Hurri, Managing Director, PVO-Lämpövoima, tel. +358 50 3133 231
Riitta Larnimaa, Executive Vice President, communications and public relations, Pohjolan Voima Oyj, puh. +358 50 438 2466