The Rauman Biovoima biopower plant is currently undergoing extensive annual maintenance operations to ensure reliable production over the coming winter. Planned maintenance operations also promote the efficient use of resources, as sufficient maintenance intervals help ensure that machines run reliably and energy-efficiently.
The power plant’s turbine will be thoroughly serviced during the maintenance operations this summer. Additionally, the plant’s generator and one of the boilers will be serviced. The work started in early May and will continue until after Midsummer.
“Such extensive maintenance work of the turbine is only undertaken once every ten years. During the maintenance process, we will inspect and service all parts of the turbine. As part of the current maintenance operations, we have also sent the generator’s rotor to Germany for inspection by the manufacturer. We are also servicing one of the plant’s boilers,” says Timo Pitkänen, Managing Director at Rauman Biovoima.
“Extensive annual maintenance is part of our long-term property management process aiming at preventing any faults in the machinery and boosting our delivery reliability for heat and electricity. Suitable maintenance intervals lengthen the life cycle of our machinery and are therefore key to the efficient use of resources,” Timo Pitkänen says.
Renewable fuel is stocked up on for the coming winter
The Rauman Biovoima power plant prepares for the coming winter by stocking up on fuel over the summer. Over 90 per cent of the plant’s power sources comprise carbon neutral biofuels and recovered fuels.
“Our fuel stocks over the past winter were sufficient, and we are currently stocking up for the coming winter. Forestry by-products are our primary power source. Our fuel stocks are currently looking good for the coming heating season,” Timo Pitkänen says.
The Rauman Biovoima biofuel power plant is a pioneer in utilising different biofuels, and a champion of the circular economy in Finland. Located in the UPM Rauma industrial area, the combined heat and energy plant is certified according to the Guarantee of Origin systems for heat and electricity.
The power plant produces process steam for the UPM Rauma factory, heat for the Rauman Energia district heating network, and electricity. Rauman Biovoima is owned by Pohjolan Voima Oyj (72%) and Rauman Energia (28%). Maintenance services for the power plant are provided by UPM Rauma.
Additional information: Timo Pitkänen, Managing Director, Rauman Biovoima Oy,
tel. +358 50 533 0075, timo.pitkanen@upm.com, www.raumanbiovoima.fi