A construction project worth more than EUR 1.5 million will be started in November at Haapakoski rapids in the Iijoki river to secure the downstream migration of salmonids.
“The construction of a downstream migration route is an excellent example of what extensive cooperation can achieve. The project will provide us with valuable information and experience that we can utilise in our future projects,” says Jani Pulli, the managing director of PVO-Vesivoima Oy.
The downstream migration route for smolt and catching equipment will consist of a funnel extending to the upstream channel of the power plant, screens in the funnel, as well as two catching cages and two pipes, both with a diameter of one metre. The shorter of the pipes will be used as a water discharge pipe, as necessary. The longer pipe (130 m) will travel through a neck of land below the dam to the power plant’s downstream channel. Fish that are not caught for studies or transfer will use this pipe to migrate. The downstream migration route will be used with a flow rate of 1–3 m3/s.
“In accordance with the Iijoki waterway vision 2030, the goal at the Iijoki river is restoration of the natural lifecycle of salmonids. Successful downward migration of smolt is one of the key elements here. A guide fence for smolt was installed at the Haapakoski rapids in 2019. The downstream migration route will make the system complete and enable the migration of fish,”, says Mirko Laakkonen, the project manager in charge of the Iijoki river migratory fish project 2020–2022 in the Council of Oulu Region.
OMP-Konepaja Oy was selected as the contractor for the downstream migration route through competitive bidding. The construction consultant is CC Control Oy. The route was designed by Sweco Structures Ltd. The project will be completed by the end of 2021.
“We are pleased to be able to build Finland’s first downstream migration route for smolt. The project also includes the design, manufacture and installation of the fish catching equipment. We have extensive expertise obtained from similar projects,” says Vesa Korkiakoski, the managing director of OMP-Konepaja Oy.
The construction of the downstream migration route is part of the Iijoki river migratory fish project 2020–2022. Other actions taken by the project include transfer and monitoring of salmonids, as well as the planting of fry. The project is implemented by PVO-Vesivoima Oy, the Lapland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, the municipalities of Ii, Oulu, Pudasjärvi, Taivalkoski and Kuusamo, the Council of Oulu Region, Iijoen Vesistön Kalastusalue (the Iijoki Waters Fishing Region), Metsähallitus, the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Ostrobothnia and the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The project coordinator is the Council of Oulu Region. The total project budget is some EUR 2.2 million.
The project has received funding from the migratory fish programme NOUSU of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, which improves the living conditions of migratory fish and aims to restore the natural breeding of migratory fish populations in Finnish rivers.

Fig. 1: PVO-Vesivoima Oy. PVO-Vesivoima Oy and OMP-Konepaja Oy signed the contract agreement for the Haapakoski downstream migration route on 6 November 2020. In the front from left: Vesa Korkiakoski, the managing director of OMP-Konepaja Oy, and Jani Pulli, the managing director of PVO-Vesivoima Oy. At the back from left: Jani Ahola, project manager from OMP-Konepaja Oy, and Jyrki Salo, project manager from PVO-Vesivoima Oy.
Additional information:
Mirko Laakkonen, project manager, Iijoki river migratory fish project 2020–2022, Council of Oulu Region, tel. +358 40 685 4036, mirko.laakkonen(at)pohjois-pohjanmaa.fi
Jani Pulli, managing director, PVO-Vesivoima Oy, tel. +358 50 386 2680, jani.pulli(at)pvo.fi