Pohjolan Voima is a Finnish energy sector group of companies
Pohjolan Voima Oyj is a non-listed public limited liability company producing electricity and heat for its shareholders at cost.Our shareholders are also our customers: a wide range of Finnish industrial and energy companies.
Pohjolan Voima produces electricity and heat for its shareholders and operates on an “at-cost” basis. Shareholders pay the fixed costs in accordance with their ownership share, irrespective of whether they have used their capacity or energy share, as well as variable costs according to the energy supplied. The Group’s liquidity is good.
Key figures
As a result of Pohjolan Voima’s at cost operating principle, it is irrelevant to present any financial key indicators to understand the companies’ business, financial status or result.
Gorporate Covernance
Pohjolan Voima Oyj and its subsidiaries form the Pohjolan Voima Group. Here you can find information about our Group’s corporate governance, Board of Directors and the Corporate Executive Team, a list of our shareholders as well as descriptions of our subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
Responsibility programme
We update our responsibility programme each year. In 2020, we made more thorough updates to the programme. In recent years, our responsibility operations have focused on areas such as safety management, responsibility in value chains and the circular economy. In 2023, we launched our biodiversity program.
Responsibility principles
Pohjolan Voima’s responsibility principles cover the Code of Conduct, Competition Law Policy, Personnel Policy, and Environmental and Energy Efficiency Policy.
Risk management

Pohjolan Voima’s risk management policy determines the Group’s risk management practices and the operating model’s main principles and responsibilities.
Business continuity management

Pohjolan Voima has a business continuity management system to ensure and maintain the continuity of its operations.