Katja Permanto, M. Sc. has been appointed Sustainability Manager of Pohjolan Voima Oyj. She also continues as Manager, Environmental Issues and Safety.
Katja Permanto reports to Riitta Larnimaa in sustainability issues. Riitta Larnimaa is responsible for sustainability in the Corporate Executive Team. Her title is Executive Vice President, Public Relations and Sustainability.
Pohjolan Voima’s updated strategy in 2022 further emphasised sustainability and highlighted ensuring biodiversity as a part of the strategy. According to the strategic theme “sustainable production on market terms” Pohjolan Voima aims to be a responsible actor and combine competitive and carbon neutral production and biodiversity.
– The importance of sustainable and responsible operation is increasing rapidly. Legislation will include new requirements, and the expectations of our stakeholders are also increasing. To fulfil our strategy in this respect, we have strengthened sustainability issues in our organisation, says Ilkka Tykkyläinen, President & CEO, Pohjolan Voima Oyj.
The implementation of sustainability is coordinated by a sustainability team with representatives from different functions. Sustainability is also a responsibility of all Pohjolan Voima employees.
Further information: Ilkka Tykkyläinen, President & CEO, Pohjolan Voima Oyj, Ilkka.tykkylainen@pvo.fi, tel. +358 40 670 6056
Pohjolan Voima is a versatile and skilful Finnish energy company. Our shareholders are also our customers: a wide range of Finnish industrial and energy companies. We produce electricity and heat at cost price to our customers with hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power. Our share of the total electricity generation in Finland is approximately 20%. Already 97% of our electricity generation is carbon neutral.
We create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow. Pohjolan Voima – Decisive Power. www.pohjolanvoima.fi