
For media

Are you looking for information on Pohjolan Voima and its operations?

Media contacts

Pohjolan Voiman viesintä- ja yhteiskuntasuhdejohtaja Riitta Larnimaa

Riitta Larnimaa

Executive Vice President, Pohjolan Voima Oyj,
tel. + 358 50 438 2466

Media contacts

Pohjolan Voiman viestintäpäällikkö Hannele Kukka

Hannele Kukka

Communications Manager, Pohjolan Voima Oyj
tel. +358 10 478 6383


News on our operations and our power plants.

Annual Report 2023

Pohjolan Voima´s Annual Report 2023

Financial information

Our stock exchange releases and financial publications

Towards carbon-neutral society

As one of Finland’s biggest energy companies, we have a responsibility to lead the way to a carbon neutral future. We are aiming for 99 per cent carbon neutral electricity production and 85 per cent carbon neutral heat production by 2025.

Our energy production

Isohaaran vesivoimalaitos Kemijoessa.

Take a look at our electricity and heat production with hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power.