Pohjolan Voima has ranked second on the list of Finland's Best Workplaces 2025 for small companies. Based on the results of the employee survey, Pohjolan Voima has received the Great Place To Work® certification in recognition of its excellent employee experience. The company's TrustIndex score was an impressive 95%.
“Our results were excellent in every way, and we all agree that Pohjolan Voima is overall a really good workplace. We are proud of our work, and interaction is embedded in our culture. In line with our values – skillfully, reliably, together – we have cooperation and trust in each other,” says Tiina Nyström, Pohjolan Voima’s Excecutive Vice President, HR and Legal Affairs.
Employees at Pohjolan Voima feel that it is a physically safe workplace where they can be themselves, where people care about each other, and where it is pleasant to come to work. Most employees feel that their work has a special meaning. The working conditions and facilities create a good working environment, and there are sufficient resources and tools for the work.
“Thanks for the excellent results go to all Pohjolan Voima employees. Building a good employee experience has required all of us and cooperation,” thanks Tiina Nyström.
Great Place To Work® publishes the list of Finland’s Best Workplaces™ annually. The listing is based on the employee experience measured in employee surveys and a qualitative analysis of the company’s culture.
See also: Pohjolan Voima’s CEO Ilkka Tykkyläinen’s thanks for the excellent results in the video
For further information, please contact:
Tiina Nyström, Excecutive Vice President, Pohjolan Voima Oyj, tiina.nystrom@pvo.fi, tel. puh. +358 10 478 650