Pohjolan Voima Oyj’s joint venture Teollisuuden Voima Oyj announces: The investigation into Olkiluoto 3 EPR’s feedwater pumps will be completed in December
Pohjolan Voima Oyj’s joint venture Teollisuuden Voima Oyj has announced that the investigation into the damage at Olkiluoto 3’s feedwater pumps will continue still for some weeks, and its impact on the schedule cannot be estimated. According to information from the Areva-Siemens plant supplier consortium, electricity production will continue on 11 December 2022 at the earliest, and as such regular electricity production starts at the end of January 2023 at the earliest.
A more detailed investigation as well as analysis of the root cause continue related to the cracks found in the impellers of the feedwater pumps at Olkiluoto 3’s turbine island. The plant supplier has announced that the final results should be available during December at the latest. The possible schedule impact will be communicated as soon as the results of the investigation are available.
As the investigation continues, maintenance work is carried out at the plant unit’s turbine side.
TVO is actively taking part in advancing the investigation on the feedwater pumps together with the plant supplier. In the feedwater pumps located in the nuclear power plant’s turbine island, water from the feedwater tank is pumped into the steam generators. The damage detected at the pumps has no impact on nuclear safety.
The plant supplier is obligated to complete the plant unit in accordance with the Plant Contract and settlement agreements.
Information on electricity production during the test production phase is published on TVO’s website at www.tvo.fi/ol3forecast.
Nasdaq Helsinki
Further enquiries:
Riitta Larnimaa, EVP Communications and Public Affairs, Pohjolan Voima Oyj,
tel. +358 50 438 2466, riitta.larnimaa@pvo.fi
About Pohjolan Voima Oyj
Pohjolan Voima is a versatile and skilful Finnish energy company. Our shareholders are also our customers: a wide range of Finnish industrial and energy companies. We produce electricity and heat at cost price to our customers with hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power. Our share of the total electricity generation in Finland is approximately 20%. Already 96% of our electricity generation is carbon neutral.
We create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow.
Pohjolan Voima – Decisive Power. www.pohjolanvoima.fi