Maalismaa power plant in the river Iijoki

PVO-Vesivoima is seeking a change from the Vaasa Administrative Court regarding the decisions made by the Regional State Administrative Agency for Northern Finland on the stocking and fish stock management obligations for the Iijoki and Kemijoki rivers. The appeal focuses on stocking obligations rather than the construction of fishways.

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Northern Finland issued its decision on 29 July 2024, in response to the change applications submitted by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Lapland in 2017, concerning the stocking and fish stock management obligations for the Iijoki and Kemijoki rivers. PVO-Vesivoima submitted written appeals against the agency’s decisions on the Iijoki and Kemijoki rivers.

“The agency’s decision is partly in line with our migratory fish strategy regarding fishways, so our appeal does not focus on the construction of fishways. We are committed to promoting the restoration of the natural cycle of migratory fish in cooperation and will continue our extensive ongoing collaboration for the benefit of migratory fish,” says Jani Pulli, Managing Director of PVO-Vesivoima.

“We are seeking changes particularly to the multiplication of stocking obligations, which are practically impossible to implement. There is no existing capacity in Finland for the quantities of broodstock required by the stocking amounts, and building new capacity takes time. It is surprising and frustrating that the authority imposes such stocking obligations, the preparation of which should have started years ago. Impossible demands only prolong the process,” Jani Pulli states.

Hydropower is vital for the functioning of the electrical power system and the security of supply of electricity. The increase in weather-dependent electricity production further emphasises the need for balancing power to safeguard the operation of the electricity system,” Pulli says.

“In our opinion, hydropower production and the restoration of migratory fish can be reconciled. The best outcome for migratory fish will be achieved through extensive cooperation utilising a variety of means and research results, a step-by-step approach, and a holistic view of the river’s development.”

Extensive cooperation for the benefit of migratory fish has been underway for several years in the Iijoki and Kemijoki rivers.  In the Iijoki river, the common vision of the different parties involved is first to build the best possible fishway for the lowermost power plant at Raasakka and a downstream migration solution at the uppermost power plant at Haapakoski. The downstream migration route has already been completed, and data on the use of the Fishheart fishway solution will be obtained from Raasakka. With these measures, the assisted natural migration of migratory fish in the Iijoki river has already started. The aim is to establish a migratory fish stock imprinted in the middle and upper parts of the river. Testing the performance of the upstream and downstream migration solutions will provide valuable experience and research data for the construction of subsequent bypass routes. Furthermore, the stocking of roe and smolt, as well as fish transport, will support the development of the fish stock. In Kemijoki, at Isohaara, there already exist two fishways, and solutions are sought to improve their operation.

Additional information: Jani Pulli, Managing Director, PVO-Vesivoima Oy, tel. +358 50 386 2680,

Pohjolan Voima is a well-established Finnish energy company. We are one of Finland’s largest energy producers – our production accounts for more than 20% of the nation’s total electricity production. The electricity we produce is almost completely carbon neutral. We use controlled hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear power to produce energy at cost price for our owners and Finnish industrial and energy companies. We are a team of top professionals and are proven as one of Finland’s most inspiring workplaces. At Pohjolan Voima, we pride ourselves on doing meaningful work in line with our values of skilfully, reliably, together. We are committed to carbon neutrality and the improvement of biodiversity. Our objective is to create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow.

PVO-Vesivoima Oy produces electricity at its hydropower plants on the Iijoki, Kemijoki and Kokemäenjoki rivers. On average, the company produces 1.7 TWh of electricity annually. The company is part of the Pohjolan Voima Group.