
For a carbon-neutral Finland

We’re working for a carbon-neutral Finland. We are committed to carbon neutrality and improving biodiversity. We aim to reduce emissions in our production even further and work persistently to mitigate the environmental impacts of hydropower. We feel our work matters.

Responsibility programme

We have adapted our sustainalibity approach and our responsibility program in accordance with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Responsibility principles

Pohjolan Voima’s responsibility principles cover the Code of Conduct, Competition Law Policy, Personnel Policy, and Environmental Policy and Energy Efficiency Policy.

Sustainable development goals

Pohjolan Voima’s responsible operations and responsibility themes assist in the achievement of the UN’s sustainable development goals. In 2020 we chose four goals that are the most important for us.


Our operations have an impact on biodiversity. Our strategy now includes biodiversity as a consideration equal to carbon neutrality. We completed our biodiversity programme in 2022 and started its implementation in 2023. Our vision for biodiversity is that we understand our primary impact on biodiversity and set our course towards a net positive effect.

Working for the climate: towards a low carbon society

Already 99 per cent of our electricity production is carbon-neutral. Our biopower plants make use of by-products from forestry. All our hydropower plants will soon have been modernised. The largest single climate action in Finland, the Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant started regular electricity production on 16 April 2023.

Further reduced emissions

We have been reducing the use of coal and peat since 2014. Thanks to these efforts, our carbon dioxide emissions have reduced. We are also reducing our carbon dioxide emissions by improving energy efficiency.
In addition, our sulphur dioxide emissions and nitrogen oxide emissions have reduced significantly.

Fish and aquatic environment

We are committed to furthering the restoration of the natural migration patterns of migratory fish. The best result is achieved in extensive co-operation, phase by phase. A diverse array of means and solutions based on research are needed. We believe that the restoration of migratory fish and hydropower production can co-exist.

Energy efficiency: constant improvement

In energy production, energy efficiency is the cornerstone of all operation – both economically and environmentally. The work consists of continuous improvement and systematic development of operations. We report our performance each year in the energy efficiency agreement.

Cooperation within networks

We operate in a project-based manner with our shareholders, partners and subcontractors. We can thus harness the best possible expertise for each project. In our operating areas, we work with local communities in actual projects that have local value.

Inspiring workplace

Smart people work for us. We want to support them so that they can improve in their work, and together develop our business culture. Our people have an important task in promoting a carbon-neutral future. We focus on an operating culture that promotes safety by providing continuous training, and by using scorecards, for example.

Circular economy: utilisation of by-products, recycled fuel to boiler

For us, the circular economy means for example the utilisation of by-products, using recycled fuels and reusing materials.