Energy efficiency: continuous work
Energy efficiency is a basic building block of energy production operations. It is important for both the environment and the economy. We work systematically to improve it.
In our thermal power plants, we produce heat and power in the most efficient way for the environment – as combined production (CHP). When heat and power are produced in the same process, the production requires much less fuel than two separate production processes do.
We cooperate with suppliers and researchers. Together, we investigate opportunities to further improve the efficiency of our operations. One improvement target is our energy efficiency. Learning to better manage the combustion process, for example, has improved energy efficiency and reduced emissions.

Working systematically – every day
All our production companies use the energy efficiency system EES+ or the energy management system ISO 50001. Some of these systems are certified. Energy efficiency is improved in many ways both at the production plants and in offices.
All of the companies in Pohjolan Voima Group have joined the energy efficiency agreement for the energy production sector. Energy efficiency agreements are a central part of Finnish energy and climate policy. This is now the third agreement period. It is valid until 2025.
We and the other companies who have joined the agreement are committed to investigating and further enhancing our energy efficiency as part of the planning and management of our operations.
We report annully
- the actions that we have used to improve the consumption of energy or to save energy
- how much energy is saved
- how much energy we have used in the previous year.
The following Pohjolan Voima companies have joined the Action Plan for Energy Production:
- PVO-Vesivoima Oy
- Porin Prosessivoima Oy
Other companies that have joined the Action Plan for Energy Production include Teollisuuden Voima Oyj, a joint venture of Pohjolan Voima, and Alholmens Kraft Oy Ab, an associated company of Pohjolan Voima.
The following Pohjolan Voima companies have joined the Action Plan for Energy-intensive Industry:
- Kymin Voima Oy
- Kaukaan Voima Oy
- Rauman Biovoima Oy
We have been working systematically to improve our energy efficiency since 1998. Our thermal power production operations were among the first energy companies to join the energy saving agreement between the government and the energy production sector.