Sustainable development goals

Pohjolan Voima’s responsible operations and responsibility themes assist in the achievement of the UN’s sustainable development goals. We renewed our responsibility programme in 2020.

Reviewing the sustainable development goals and comparing them with our operations was a major part of the renewal. We studied our impact on all of the 17 sustainable development goals through the targets. We chose the following four goals that are the most important for us:

GoalGeneral description of the goalWhat we do
Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy servicesWe produce electricity and heat for our customers by means of hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power. We are committed to carbon neutrality. Ensuring that our production plants operate reliably and efficiently is a prerequisite for reaching this target.
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for allThe relevance of our work, occupational health and safety, and wellbeing at work are important to the employees of Pohjolan Voima. In addition to carbon neutrality, relevance is linked to competitiveness and resource efficiency.
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity lossOur operations affect the environment. Themes important to us include biodiversity, the sustainable use of forests and freshwater ecosystems, and migratory fish.
Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable developmentOur networked operating method is an integral part of our operating model and the expertise of all Pohjolan Voima employees. We promote sustainable development together with our partners.

A more detailed review of the goals somewhat changed the initial assumptions

We also considered other goals that initially seemed to be important based on the effects of our operations. These were:

• Goal 13 (Climate Action)
• Goal 14 (Life Below Water)
• Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure)
• Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)

Goal 13, Climate Action, is especially important to us. When studying the targets, we noticed that our climate action and carbon neutrality goal and our work to achieve this goal were naturally included in Goal 7, Affordable and Clean Energy.

At first glance, Goal 14, Life Below Water, seemed to be one of our key goals due to the impact of our operations on migratory fish and our cooperation involving migratory fish. However, a more detailed review of the targets revealed that the goal focuses on oceans. UN has included freshwater ecosystems in Goal 15, Life on Land. As a company working in river environments, freshwater ecosystems are important to us. Fish and biodiversity of the aquatic environment are therefore covered by Goal 15.

We also identified matters pertaining to our operations in Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) such as use of clean technologies and circular economy. We linked these to the goals we chose, Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), in particular.

Our sustainable development goals in Sustainability programme 2024-2027

Carbon-neutral and sustainable energy

SDGTargetMain indicator
Clean energy production and climate
We develop our production assets so that we only use  fossil fuels and peat as startup and backup fuels to ensure the security of supply based on the market situation. Meanwhile, we increase the share of renewable fuels.  

Biodiversity and status of water systems
Our long-term biodiversity vision is to identify our key impact on biodiversity and move towards net positivity. We will promote our skill set and update our target as knowledge increases.
The share of our carbon-neutral electricity production

Implementing the biodiversity measures

Affordable and reliable energy

SDGTargetMain indicator

Security of electricity and heat supply
We insure in our part that electricity and heat are produced reliably ad that there is enough available balancing power needed for stabilising the electricity system both in normal and exceptional conditions. 

Power plant and infrastructure lifecycle management
We perform effective maintenance measures and carry out timely investments. We use digitalisation to make our power plants even more energy efficient, emission-free and reliable.  

Reliability as a partner
Our operating model is based on strong networks, consisting of our owners, partners, technology suppliers, subcontractors, societal actors, non-governmental organisations and inhabitants of our operating areas. Our operation in networks is guided by our values: skilfully, reliably, together.
Reaching the availability targets of our subsidiaries, share-%,

Customer satisfaction survey, Net Promoter Score (NPS), %

Safe working and wellbeing of employees

SDGTargetMain indicator

Proactive safety
We promote wellbeing at work and a proactive safety culture. Our goal is zero accidents. We invest in the continuous improvement of OHS and wellbeing a work, for instance, reacting to observations and promoting the employees’ safety awareness. We pay special attention to the safety cultures of our subcontractors.

Inspiring workplace for top experts
Our corporate culture is based on our shared values: skilfully, reliably, together. We want to be an inspiring workplace. We promote continuous professional development of our employees and encourage them to search for new solutions. We regularly measure the employee experience and employee satisfaction to boost the development of a motivating corporate culture and promote the wellbeing of employees.
Accident frequency

Personnel satisfaction index

Responsibility in networks and stakeholder relations

SDGTargetMain indicator

Ensuring socially responsible operations troughout the value chain and in partnerships
Our networked operating method is an integral part of our operating model. We promote sustainable development together with our partners.

Interaction with stakeholders
Our operating model is based on strong networks, consisting of our owners, partners, technology suppliers, subcontractors, societal actors, non-governmental organisations and inhabitants of our operating areas. Our operation in networks is guided by our values: skilfully, reliably, together.
HSEQ audits

Stakeholder survey result (every other year)

Sustainability programme 2024-2027 Indicators and targets

Other sustainability metrics

  • Reduction in the use of peat by 80% from 2019 to 2025. The target was achieved, as the use of peat decreased by 83% from the 2019 level.
  • The target for the maximum number of category 3 environmental incidents was 6 and the target for the maximum number of category 4 and 5 incidents was 0 in 2024. The target was not achieved in 2024, because an oil spill occurred at the PVO-Vesivoima Isohaara power plant, which was classified as a category 4 environmental incident. On 22 July 2024, approximately 500 litres of oil leaked into the Kemijoki river, which was collected in cooperation with the authorities.
  • Utilisation rate of ash 100%. The target was achieved, as the utilisation rate was 112%.
  • Own workforce making EHS observations at a rate of 5 observations per person. The target was achieved, as 5.5 observations per person were made.

Principles for the compilation of the metrics

  • Pohjolan Voima’s subsidiaries, Teollisuuden Voima, and Alholmens Kraft of the associated companies and joint ventures, as well as PVO-Vesivoima’s associate companies Tornionlaakson Voima and Länsi-Suomen Voima Oy are taken into account in the carbon neutrality targets for electricity and heat production.
  • In Pohjolan Voima’s production, carbon-neutral energy includes hydropower and nuclear power, as well as energy produced from wood-based fuels that meet sustainability criteria and the bio share of solid recovered fuels (SRF). The bio-share of SRF is calculated as 60 % according to the percentage used by Statistics Finland.
  • The subsidiaries and Teollisuuden Voima are taken into account in the availability indicator.
  • Accidents of own workforce and the subsidiaries’ operation and maintenance partners and subcontractors are taken into account in the lost time accidents indicator.
  • The personnel satisfaction index and EHS observa­tions cover Pohjolan Voima’s own personnel.
  • The subsidiaries and the joint venture Alholmens Kraft are taken into account in the indicator on the decrease in the use of peat.
  • Environmental events of the subsidiaries are taken into account in environmental events.
  • The subsidiaries are taken into account in the utilisation rate of ash.
  • The availability metric takes into account the sub­sidiaries and Teollisuuden Voima. The calculation principles for the goals of 2024 and 2025 differ from each other. The companies have a total of 13 different usability targets. The 2024 usability metric indicates the percentage of the companies’ availability targets that have been achieved. The 2025 metric indicates the average realisation of the availability metrics.