The last remaining boiler building at the PVO-Lämpövoima's Kristiinankaupunki power plant was demolished today 12 August 2021 with an explosion. The demolition work will be completed by the end of 2021.
The demolition work of the Kristiinankaupunki power plant have progressed towards the end. The demolition of the last major building, the former oil-fired boiler building by explosion succeeded as planned. The explosion work was realised by Ykkösräjäytys Oy and Lotus Demolition Oy.
“The boiler building fell as planned between the sea bay and the boiler house on the courtyard of the former power plant. For security reasons the entire demolition work area and the nearby sea area were closed in co-operation with the authorities during the explosion”, explains Jari Grönvall, Managing Director of PVO-Lämpövoima Oy.
The demolition work of the coal and oil-fired power plant will be completed this year
The demolition of the coal and oil-fired power plant started in June 2020 and the smokestack of the power plant was demolished in October 2020. The coal-fired boiler building has also been demolished. The demolition work will be completed by the end of this year.
“The demolition work of the power plant has progressed as planned. After the demolition of the boiler building the remaining works include demolishing the oil containers, levelling the demolition areas, final site cleaning and inspections”, says Jari Grönvall.
Abandoning condensing power plants is an important step for Pohjolan Voima in its path towards CO2 neutral production. Pohjolan Voima produces almost 20% of all the electricity in Finland, of which 96% is already CO2 neutral.
Pohjolan Voima’s goal is for 99% of our electricity production to be CO2 neutral by 2025. Another goal is increasing the share of CO2 neutral heat production to 85% by 2025.
Additional information: Jari Grönvall, Managing Director, PVO-Lämpövoima Oy,
tel. 050 3133 441, jari.gronvall@pvo.fi
Attachments: Photos of the demolition of the last boiler building of the Kristiinankaupunki power plant of PVO-Lämpövoima
PVO-Lämpövoima is part of the Pohjolan Voima Group. Pohjolan Voima is a versatile and skilful Finnish energy company. Our shareholders are also our customers: a wide range of Finnish industrial and energy companies. We produce electricity and heat at cost price to our customers with hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power. Our share of the total electricity generation in Finland is approximately 20%. Already 96% of our electricity generation is carbon neutral.
We create decisive power to strengthen competitiveness and contribute to a better tomorrow.
Pohjolan Voima – Decisive Power. www.pohjolanvoima.fi