Haapakosken vesivoimalaitos

One of the two turbines at PVO-Vesivoima's Haapakoski hydropower plant will undergo a major overhaul during autumn 2024. The work has commenced today and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

During the overhaul, the runner of the turbine in unit 1 at Haapakoski hydropower plant will be repaired and refurbished.

– The runner of unit 1 will be repaired and refurbished at a workshop, with modifications to improve durability and regulation power production. Fatigue was detected in the runner, which has limited the unit to producing electricity at a constant power output. The turbine in unit 1 has been shut down today and is scheduled to be back in production by the end of December. After the refurbishment, the unit will be able to efficiently produce important regulation power again, says Pasi Eilola, asset management specialist at PVO-Vesivoima.

The repair and modifications of the runner will be carried out by Andritz Hydro Oy. Additionally, installation work at the power plant will be performed by OMP-Konepaja Oy and PVO-Vesivoima’s maintenance partner Caverion.

The power plant will continue to produce electricity with its other unit during the refurbishment of the turbine runner in unit 1.

For more information, please contact:
Pasi Eilola, asset management specialist, PVO-Vesivoima Oy, pasi.eilola@pvo.fi, tel. +358 50 3038 657

Haapakoski Hydropower Plant

  • The uppermost power plant on the Iijoki River, completed in 1963
  • In 2021, the first downstream migration route for salmon smolts in Finland was completed at the power plant
  • Units refurbished between 2007–2009
  • Capacity of 32.6 MW
  • 2 Kaplan turbines

PVO-Vesivoima Oy produces electricity at hydropower plants on the Iijoki, Kemijoki, and Kokemäenjoki rivers. The company’s annual electricity production